sâmbătă, 18 decembrie 2010

Sick Sick Cigarette

yo yo yo
they call me ollie
a phony dude sad and lonely
never happy always smilling
depressed but still lovin'
lovin what?? the game, the shit
he keep pullin through ,the girls, love itself...
im an animal half Cezar half Hannibal
a brutal cannibal i kill everything
till i not see my problems solve
tupac got a lot of glocks to riposte to those shots
that he had been shot and now after all that complot
hes dead somebody banged his head layed him off his bed
biggie smalls the boss of all that he can grab
but in the end he got stab
in a tub in a bath of blood
Oh god please if i die please dont make me feel it
make me kill it make me kill my own dead
cuz this life really is all i have
a rebel kid cuz he didnt had a dad
it was so sad that turned me in a madman
with gladbags straight outta compton
this shits you gotta love em
music is an idiot that riots the masses
cause of all of this disasttres
this words come straight of the matress
of books of hidden history
lets match this words then light em with matches
before you shot me please tie a tie around my eyes
pull my head up to the skyes
give me a fuckin ciggarette light it let me smoke it
and then in my last seconds scream.....
now you die!!!!

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