sâmbătă, 4 decembrie 2010

Me The Dark And Creepy Thoughts

have you ever been not understanded?
rejected and not handed
upset with the defect that you exist
your a kid neglect-ed and avoided like you have sid
and all of this only can lead to a madman
a sad man with a gladbag glad filled with sandbags from afgahistan
a one man army bullets can harm me and i must start washin my dirty laundry
ha! ra ta ra ta im complexed by a simple instict
instict to succeed by any mean
every dream should be like this succeeded by any mean
but it seems that only i think this way
hey! maybe now it's time to realise that im nuts
cut the cunts cuz them disgust me
see... im a g
suppose to be miricaly a lirically genius
but spiritually im an angel or a devil
fuck it who cares
who even dares to fuck with me
when they scarcely have the guts to spell my name
ollie rollin up this game the same way like in his first day
like shit in a bottle
rihanna sing my craddle
my underground single my christmas jingle
come idiots decyphre my riddle

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